April 18
Adults & Young Leaders
Planning meeting at UMC
Come along, see what we have planned for this term and find out how you can get involved!
6.30 - 8pm at UMC with an optional adjournment for adutls to go for a drink afterwards.
April 23
All Sections
Parade Service at UMC
This is the St. George's Day service, and therefore the most important of the year. All young people should be present in uniform.
10.30 for a 10.45 start, the service should last about 1 hour.
May 6th
Water Activity Day
Cost £14 per Cub.
A day at Green Withens - the West Yorkshire Scouts Water Activity Centre. The day will consist of 4 bases (probably sailing, bell-boating, rafting and water safety), this day will earn Cubs some Time on Water and the Stage 2 Nautical Skills badge.
Invitations have been sent out via OSM.
May 13/14
District Sleepover at Bramhall Scout Camp
We will be sleeping indoors but focusing on classic camping activities and skills, with a view to achieving the Camp Craft Activity Badge and completing most of the Outdoors Challenge. Cost will be £35 to include transport.
Deposits of £10 will be required by Feb 21st.
June 9th
All Sections
Whit Friday
We walk with Uppermill Methodist Church. All Young People should attend in uniform and looking smart.
Timings to be confirmed. All young people and their families are invited to join us for lunch afterwards.
June 16-18th
Scout Camp at Southport, with a few other Oldham groups.
An action-packed camp, to include sailing, bell-boating, shooting, archery and trips to the beach.
Cost will be £60, to include transport. |
Invitations have been sent via OSM. Deposits of £15 will be required.
July 14-16th
Cubs & Scouts
Camp at Ashworth Valley
District Camp with Cubs and Scouts from a range of groups. A range of adventurous activities will be on offer.
Invitations have been sent out via OSM. If you have already paid a camp deposit we will transfer it to this camp, unless you would prefer us not to.
Sept 23
Expedition Challenge
Planning Day |
Scouts planning to take part in the District Hill2Hill Expedition Challenge (hike and camp) will also need to attend this planning day.
Locations and Timings to be confirmed. Invitations will go out via OSM.
Nov 19
Cubs & Scouts
Swimming Gala
District Event at Royton Baths
Attendance and details tbc