Set up camp in your garden, or a room in your house, and sleep there for a night (at least 2 nights for Scouts.
Lay a tracking trail around your home / garden for your family to follow (you could hide some treasure for them to find - like chocolate!)
Learn to tie 6 knots.
Go stargazing in your garden. Learn to identify 5 constellations.
Build a mini-pioneering project: a catapult, bridge, tower or gateway.
Build a mini raft for your teddy, so they can go in the bath.
Learn the Promise and Law off by heart.
Learn how to wash, dry and iron your uniform.
Prepare and serve a meal for your family, and wash up afterwards.
Learn how to change the tyre on a bike or car.
Learn a new skill.
Make pancakes.
Work with others to plan a Tuesday meeting (it can be online or "real")
Telephone or Facetime someone you know who is on their own and would like some company.
Play a boardgame with your family.
Write a prayer or thought for the day about either:
- caring for others - when life is hard - worry, anxiety or stress - being thankful for others' actions - caring for the environment - making each day special |
Make a model of a Scout campsite, using craft or recycled materials.
Design a poster, promoting Scouts.
Create a webpage about the history of Scouting.
Design a new uniform for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers.
Make a kite.
Design and make a Scout-themed board game.
Thank you very much to the Forest of Dean Scouts District who have designed this challenge (which we have just tweaked very slightly).
Remember: if you don't tell me what you've done, I can't award you the badge.
Remember: if you don't tell me what you've done, I can't award you the badge.