Welcome to the Gardening Club - don't forget to let us see what you grow!
Make your own paper pots, to plant seeds in.
Beavers need to do 5 things for the Gardener Badge: see what they are here.
(You can find out about trees in the Nature Club) |
If you don't have much space, you can use SendACow's instructions to make a bag garden.
Cubs need to do 5 things to earn the Gardener Badge: find out what they are here.
(You can find out about minibeasts in the Nature Club.) Beavers and Cubs need to know about garden tools and how to use them safely. Try this quick memory game, then think about what you would need to use in the garden.
Scouts can use gardening to earn their Farming Badge, it is the second option here.
You don't need a garden to grow things. Try out these ideas from Greenpeace.