Badge Opportunities over the Summer
Saddleworth Village Olympics
If your child is taking part in the Saddleworth Village Olympics this year, then this can count towards all or part of the Athletics and Athletics plus badges. All of our Cubs completed the Athletics Badge last term, but the details for Athletics Plus are set out below:
Athletics Plus
For this badge you need to take part in all 8 of the activities detailed below, and see what your score would be. Now take your 4 best scores and add them together. If those points add up to eight or more, then you have earned your badge.
Events 3 points 2 points 1 point
1 50m sprint 9 seconds 10 seconds 11 seconds
2 Throwing a cricket ball 25 metres 22 metres 18 metres
3 High jump 96cm 86cm 76cm
4 Long jump 3 metres 2.5 metres 2 metres
5 Sargent jump 35cm 30cm 25cm
6 Shuttle run 6 x 10 metres 18 seconds 19 seconds 20 seconds
7 50 metres skipping 12 seconds 13 seconds 14 seconds
8 1,000 metre run 5 minutes 6 minutes 10 minutes
Events 3 points 2 points 1 point
1 50m sprint 9 seconds 10 seconds 11 seconds
2 Throwing a cricket ball 25 metres 22 metres 18 metres
3 High jump 96cm 86cm 76cm
4 Long jump 3 metres 2.5 metres 2 metres
5 Sargent jump 35cm 30cm 25cm
6 Shuttle run 6 x 10 metres 18 seconds 19 seconds 20 seconds
7 50 metres skipping 12 seconds 13 seconds 14 seconds
8 1,000 metre run 5 minutes 6 minutes 10 minutes
Book Reader
Souting never stops! Why not encourage your Cub to get their Book Reader badge over the summer holidays. We will run one session on this when we get back in September, and that, plus completion of the sheet here will mean that you child will achieve the badge. To complete the sheet they will just need to read and write a little bit about 5 books this summer.
Activity Badges
There are 36 different Activity Badges that can be awarded to Cubs, covering a wide variety of activities and interests. There are details below of some which your child may be able to achieve through activities outside Scouts. Details of the requirements for them all can be found here.
Challenge Awards
There are seven Challenge Awards achievable by Cubs (Adventure, Outdoors, Skills, Personal, World, Teamwork and Team Leader) and gaining all of these plus six Activity or Staged Activity Badges entitles a Cub to wear the Chief Scout's Silver Award. Details of the Award requirements can be found here.
Here is a list of badges that your child may already be eligible for due to other activities they do:
If you click on the name of the badge it should take you to the page of the scout website where it outlines the requirements for the badge.
If you then feel that your child has completed the requirements you should:
- Print out a copy of the requirements
- Get that copy signed by someone linked to that activity, e.g. football coach, music teacher, etc.
- Hand that copy in to the Cub Leader
If you then feel that your child has completed the requirements you should:
- Print out a copy of the requirements
- Get that copy signed by someone linked to that activity, e.g. football coach, music teacher, etc.
- Hand that copy in to the Cub Leader
The list of badges is:
Collector [this one would require your child bringing some of their collection to cubs one night and explaining a bit about it for 5 mins]
Hobby [this one would require your child to talk to the rest of the group for 5 minutes about their hobby, maybe bring something in to show if there is something they could bring]
Home Help
Martial Arts
Physical Recreation [this one is about regularly participating in a sport of some kind]
Ice Skater
Sports Enthusiast [this one is about regularly showing an interest in sport]
Water Activities [e.g. sailing, wake boarding, etc. but not swimming]
Musician [this is a staged activity badge]
Swimmer [this is a staged activity badge]
Collector [this one would require your child bringing some of their collection to cubs one night and explaining a bit about it for 5 mins]
Hobby [this one would require your child to talk to the rest of the group for 5 minutes about their hobby, maybe bring something in to show if there is something they could bring]
Home Help
Martial Arts
Physical Recreation [this one is about regularly participating in a sport of some kind]
Ice Skater
Sports Enthusiast [this one is about regularly showing an interest in sport]
Water Activities [e.g. sailing, wake boarding, etc. but not swimming]
Musician [this is a staged activity badge]
Swimmer [this is a staged activity badge]