Meet the Team
We are a successful and growing group and we are always looking for new people to come and join the fun. If you think you might like to become a uniformed leader or assistant leader with one of our sections that would be great, but we also need people who can come along on an occasional basis. Get in touch to find out more.
EricaThe Acting Group Scout Leader at 20th Oldham,
Erica is the Beaver Leader and also a leader at Scouts. LeeAssistant Beaver Scout Leader for 5 years now. Lee is the father of a Cub and a Scout.
Julie |
FreyaA member of 20th Oldham since she joined as a Cub herself, Freya is our Cub Leader. She is a Queen's Scout and has qualified as a Scouts Climbing Instructor. Freya also assists at Oldham Explorer Unit.
JudeSection Assistant with our Cubs - Jude started with the Beavers but is enjoying the extra adventure at Cubs! She is a photographer and keen to record what we all get up to.
TomAssistant Cub Scout Leader, Tom has been a member of 20th Oldham since he was 8 as a Cub, Scout, Young Leader and then Leader. He joins us when he's home from university.
JeanVolunteer at Cubs, Jean is also a member of Uppermill Methodist Church.
EileenVolunteer at Cubs, Eileen is also a member of Uppermill Methodist Church.
MattMatt joined us as a Scout Leader in January 2015. He is currently completing his Wood Badge training as a leader and has been learning to sail with West Yorkshire Scouts.
AnthonyA member of 20th Oldham since he was 8, Anthony joins us as an Occasional Helper at Scouts when he is home from university.
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